On March 10, 2010 we premiered Forever King of Pop at the Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid. The show had to be extended twice and 55,000 people passed through the theater in the 12 weeks it was performed. Then came 2 national tours and in 2012 the jump to Europe and Puerto Rico. Cities such as Lisbon, Paris, Prague, Warsaw and San Juan de Puerto Rico surrendered to what is currently acclaimed as the production that best represents the essence of Michael Jackson.
Never before has a Spanish production of a show of these characteristics, far from our roots, had such an impact outside our borders. The Spanish talent amazed and conquered promoters, press and international audiences. In 2011 Joseph Jackson, Michael’s father, came to Spain to see the show. Impressed, his visit sealed the endorsement of the Jackson Family Foundation, the foundation created by the artist’s parents and which adopted the show as the official worldwide show of the Foundation.